Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Apple Raisin stuffed pork chops

I can't believe I haven't posted this recipe.  It is one of my favorites.

Four thick cut pork chops
Stuffing (see recipe below)

Cut a deep pocket into each porkchop.

Pack tightly with stuffing

Bake at 350º in an uncovered baking dish for about 50 minutes.



One apple, peeled and chopped
One small onion, minced
Raisins (to taste, I just throw in a handful)
Two slices whole wheat bread, cut into small pieces
 Sage, thyme, salt, and pepper to taste
1/4 cup butter melted
1/4 cup boiling water
Mix together

If you are on a low carb diet or just don't eat bread, try making this into a casserole by using thin cut pork chops, lining the dish with sliced apples and onions, and putting the rest of the stuffing ingredients over the top.

The perfect steak

I start with a New York or a Top Sirloin about an inch and a quarter thick.

To confuse the issue, steaks apparently have different names in different parts of the world.  Near as I can tell, the New York is also a sirloin or sometimes a porterhouse, although some websites suggest that porterhouse is a t-bone with more of the tenderloin attached.  Either way, get yourself a piece of steak.

I rub it with a steak rub that I make and let it sit for about ten minutes.  Heat up the grill on high, then turn the heat down to medium just before you put the steak on.  You may not like the idea of a rub.  Fine, don't put rub on it.  Nobody asked you to come here and complain.  I like the added spiciness.

3 minutes each:  First side, first side rotated 90º, second side, second side rotated 90º.  Total of 12 minutes.  If you buy a thinner steak you may find that it is overcooked so you'll have to adjust accordingly.

Remove from  heat, cover with tinfoil and let rest for about five minutes.  This steak will be rare inside but that is how I like it.  You can experiment with times if you prefer it more well done.

Shown here served with garlic sauteed green beans as suggested by Adam Piggott.

Beef Rub

3/4 c paprika
1/4 c ground black pepper
1/4 c salt
1/4 c raw sugar
2 T chili powder
2 T garlic powder
2 T onion powder
2 t cayenne

Green Beans

Heat skillet over medium high heat.
Add 2 T olive oil and heat (occasionally throw in a little piece of garlic.  If it sizzles the oil is ready.  Don't let it smoke.)
Add two cloves of smashed or minced garlic and give it a quick stir.
Add 2 cups of green beans, broken into bite sized lengths.
Give it a quick stir and put the lid on.
Every minute or so take the lid off and give it a quick stir.
After about five minutes squeeze the juice of a half lemon (or less if you don't like it too lemony), stir the whole thing and serve.

Shown paired with a Clos la Coutale Cahors, one of my favorite reds.